77 Squadron RAF Pertes/Losses 1942-1943-1944

77 Squadron RAF Pertes/Losses 1942-1943-1944

Whitley V  Z6943 KN-A

27-28 February 1942

Take Off : Leeming

Mission: Wilhemshaven

Lost without trace

F/L DA Irving RAAF  KIA   Runnymede Memorial

Sgt HW  Blackmore   KIA   Runnymede Memorial

Sgt JLS Price  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt D Unsworth  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt PWL Strachan  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Whitley V  Z9148 KN-L

27-28 February 1942

Take Off : Leeming

Mission: Wilhemshaven

P/O MDD McCarthy  RNZAF  KIA Sage War Cemetery

Sgt AR Harrington  KIA  Sage War Cemetery

Sgt BG Hibell  KIA   Sage War Cemetery

Sgt  RW Lancaster   KIA   Sage War Cemetery

F/S JMF  Shilan  KIA  Sage War Cemetery

Whitley V  Z9280 KN-K

27-28 February 1942

Take Off : Leeming

Shot down by a nihgt-fighter Uffz H Vinke, NJG1

Crash: At Driesum (Holland)

Mission: Wilhemshaven

S/L LHW Parkin  KIA   Dantumadeel Protestant Churchyard

Sgt DJ Sandlin  KIA  Dantumadeel Protestant Churchyard

W/O RCS Hancock  POW  Camp 357

Sgt W Whittham  KIA   Dantumadeel Protestant Churchyard  

Sgt ES Ayton  KIA  Dantumadeel Protestant Churchyard 

Whitley V  Z9293 KN-D

12-13 March 1942

Take Off : Leeming

Lost without trace.

Mission: Emden

P/O J Spalding  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt EP Hanrahan  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

P/O MO Ogier   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt JW Dale   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt JM Parker  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Whitley V  Z9312 KN-

12-13 March 1942

Take Off : Leeming

Crash: North Sea

Mission: Emden

F/S WA Murphy RCAF KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt AJ Pratley KIA  Runnymede Memorial

P/O DB Bailey KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/S JE Gilfoy RCAF KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt EC Reynolds KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Whitley V Z6975 KN-V

13-14 March 1942

Take off: Leeming

Mission: Boulogne

Crash: At Leeming

Bar F/S JL Moore RCAF  KIA

Sgt JE Church  KIA

Sgt KCE Corke  KIA

F/S RJ Lewis RCAF  Injured, died from his injuries

Whitley V Z9221  KN-

27-28 March 1942

Take off: Leeming

Mission: St-Nazaire

Crash: At Arnagill Crags, Yorkshire

P/O JA Harrison  RNZAF  Injured

Sgt WP Louthood  RCAF  Injured

Sgt DM Colledge  KIA

F/S DM Donovan Fuller  Injured

Sgt A McA Weddel RNZAF  Injured 

Whitley V  Z9363 KN-H

23-24 April 1942

Take off: Leeming

Mission: Rostock

Crash: At Grevenkrug

Sgt B Whitham  KIA  Hamburg Cemetery

F/S AW Johnson RAAF  KIA  Hamburg Cemetery

Sgt A Whitaker   KIA  Hamburg Cemetery

Sgt R Wilde  KIA  Hamburg Cemetery

Whitley V  Z9386 KN-W

26-27 April 1942

Mission: Rostock

Take off Leeming

P/O EH Valentine  POW Camp L3

Sgt H Durnam  POW  Camps L3/L6/L4/357 Killed 22Apr45 when his PoW Column was strafed by an RAF Mosquito

Sgt  J Waterworth  POW  Camps L3/L6/357

Sgt  HW Hands  RCAF  POW  Camps L3/L6/L4

Halifax II DT625 KN-

20 december 1942


Take off Elvington

Crash: At 6 miles SE of York

F/S  A Lord  KIA

F/S  FV Passant  KIA

P/O  N Mattews  KIA

F/S  LG Spires  KIA

Sgt  H Spinner  Injured but died from his injured in York Military Hospital

Sgt  FG Brown  KIA

Halifax MK II  DT 734 KN-J

29th   March 1943

Mission : Munich 

Shot down by a night-fighter.

Crash: at Boussu, Belgium.

S/L RJ Sage Pilot   POW   Camps 21B  L3

Sgt BJ Walker Escaped

F/Lt BD Barker  Escaped Comete

Sgt M. Crabtree  Escaped

P/O D.W. Bateman POW   Camps 21B  L3

Sgt D.L. Morris POW  Camp 4B

F/O K.A. Adam KIA  Chievres Communal Cemetery

Halifax MK II  JB795  KN-H

29th   March 1943

Mission : Munich 

Crash: Lake Konstanz, Bodensee

F/O J. B. O’Connell Huggard   Pilot  KIA   Runnymede Memorial

Sgt  T.E. Edwards  Engineer  KIA Runnymede Memorial

F/Sgt  C. Hanstock  Navigator  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/O E.G. Shreeves  Bomb Aimer  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/Sgt J.H. Hughes AG  KIA Runnymede Memorial

F/Sgt M.L. Durling WO KIA  Runnymede Memorial 

P/O L.M. Bridger  AG  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Halifax JB842 KN-E

30th March 1943

Mission: Berlin

Crash: Fehmarn Belt, Denmark

F/S C.H.Newman KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt J.M.Donald KIA  Svino Churchyard, Denmark

F/OJ.R.Armstrong KIA Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

F/O a.Metcalf KIA 

F/S A.F.Smith KIA 

Sgt E.S.Bowen KIA Runnymede Memorial

F/S R.Brough KIA  

Halifax JB847  KN-V

8 April 1943

Mission: Duisburg

Crash: Moyvilliers France  

F/L J.W.N.Bailey   Pilot  KIA Creil Communal Cemetery 

Sgt L.F.Samson RAAF  Copilot   KIA  Creil Communal Cemetery

Sgt J.W.R.H.Woodley  Flight Engineer  KIA Creil Communal Cemetery

P/O R.Wilson    Bomb Aimer  POW Camp L3

Sgt T.S.McStay   Navigator KIA  Creil Communal Cemetery

F/S P.A.Greene  Creil  Wireless  KIA operator Communal Cemetery

Sgt R.W.Hedicker KIA AG Creil Communal Cemetery

Sgt T.Crossland KIA  AG  Creil Communal Cemetery  

Halifax JB908 KN-W

16 April 1943

Mission: Pilsen

Crash: Ehningen

Shot by  Lt Herbert Jung, 12/NJG4   

F/S F.S.Wall  Pilot  POW  Camps L1 L6 357

Sgt D.I.Pullen  Flight Engineer  KIA  Dürnbach War Cemetery. 

Sgt G.R.Fernee  Navigator  KIA Dürnbach War Cemetery. 

Sgt R.M.Tullett  Bomb Aimer  POW  Camps L1 L6 357

Sgt A.K.Edgar  Wireless Operator  KIA  Dürnbach War Cemetery. 

Sgt L.Johnson  AG  POW ACamps L1 L6 357 

Sgt R.W.Robinson   AG  KIA Dürnbach War Cemetery.


Halifax II  DT796  KN-D

26-27 April 1943

Mission: Duisburg

Hit by FLAK

Crash: At Essen-Haarzopf

P/O JD Pye   RAAF    KIA  https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=1077145

Sgt  EJ Tassell  POW   Camp 357

F/O  RC Stewart  MID   POW   Escape from Sagan but murdered  by Gestapo  in March 1944

P/O  DW Atter  POW   Camp L3

F/S  GE Barfoot   POW   Camp 357

Sgt  PD Gibbs   POW  Camp 357

Sgt  JR Wells   KIA



Halifax II  JD167 KN-Z

10-11 August 1943

Mission: Nüremberg

Shot down by a night-fighter  Uffz Kustusch  I./NJG4

Crash: At Dour

P/O  P Hobbs  KIA  Chièvres Communal Cemetery

Sgt  EH Pegg   KIA  Chièvres Communal Cemetery

P/O  J Faleijevas   KIA  Chièvres Communal Cemetery

F/O  HM Etherington  KIA  Chièvres Communal Cemetery

Sgt  EY Howes KIA  Chièvres Communal Cemetery

Sgt  A Bryan  KIA  Chièvres Communal Cemetery

Sgt  R Rushton  KIA  Chièvres Communal Cemetery

Halifax II JD383 KN-H

28 August 1943

Mission Nuremberg

P/O  J I F Byrne  KIA Durnbach War Cemetery Germany

Sgt A B Clark  KIA    Durnbach War Cemetery Germany

Sgt G Graham  POW Camps L6/L4

P/O R E Olive  KIA    Durnbach War Cemetery Germany

Sgt V H Bradley POW Camps 4B/L3

Sgt A G Willis POW  Camp 4B

Sgt S J Wilson KIA    Durnbach War Cemetery Germany

Sgt E K Sears KIA    Durnbach War Cemetery Germany Shot down by flak

Halifax JD460  KN-D 

30.Aug 1943

Ops: Monchengladbach

Crashed in the target area.

F/O J.Goulding  RNZAF  KIA the Rheinberg War Cemetery

Sgt R.Whyte   POW  Camp 4B

F/O S.A.Ellingstad  RCAF  POW  Camp L3  

Sgt G.E.Flanagan  POW   Camp 4B

Sgt J.H.Naylor  KIA the Rheinberg War Cemetery

Sgt L.Letts  KIA the Rheinberg War Cemetery

Sgt R.Hunter KIA the Rheinberg War Cemetery

Halifax JB851  KN-J  

1 sep 1943

Ops: Berlin   

P/O H.E.V.Gawler KIA  Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery  

Sgt D.H.Reid KIA   Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery

Sgt A.Cotterill KIA Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery

F/S W.P.Homersham KIA Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery 

F/S S.C.Langston KIA   Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery

Sgt A.Burgess 

Sgt P.W.Kitchen KIA   Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery

Sgt T.Todd POW Camp 4B

Halifax MK II JD413  KN-G 

01 sep 1943

Ops: Berlin

Crashed  at Datteln

F/L J.L.Wilson  RAAF  Pilot KIA  Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

F/S R.W.Barlow   KIA Co-Pilot  Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

Sgt J.F.Hopkins  POW  Flight Engineer  Camp 4B

F/S J.J.Leicester  POW  Navigator  Camps 4B/L3

Sgt R.A.Sims  Bomb Aimer  KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery 

Sgt E.J.Wilson  Injured  died  Hotton War Cemetery

Sgt J.A.Baxter  KIA   Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

P/O K.G.Sheward  KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery 


Halifax JB839 MK II KN-K 

6 sep 1943

Ops: Mannheim

Crashed at Oberhausen

P/O  F E Mathers CGM  RAAF Pilot  KIA   Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt K A A Adams Co-Pilot  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt R Gough Flight Engineer  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

F/O W R Simpson Navigator  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

F/Sgt W Goldsbrough Air Bomber  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt E G O French  DFM Wireless Air Gunner  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt G A Muffett  Mid Upper Gunner  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

F/Sgt W F Speedie Rear Gunner  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Halifax MKII DT793 KN-E

6 sep 1943

Ops: München

Lost without trace. 

P/O Reginald William Frederick Munns  Pilot   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt William Cecil Smirk  Flight Engineer  KIA Runnymede Memorial

P/O William Walter Smith Navigator  KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Clifford Wyatt Tomlinson  Bomb Aimer  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Richard Reginald Wilson  AG  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/Sgt Eric Fedi  RCAF  AG  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt  Douglas Vernon Webb AG  KIA Runnymede Memorial

Halifax JD405  KN-Z 

7 sep 1943

Ops: München

Crashed at Kaufering

F/O L.B. Clifford RCAF Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt L.T. Johnson  Dürnbach War Cemetery

P/O H.G. Northway RCAF  Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt R.J. Partridge  Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt G. Leedham  Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt H. Basnett  Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt D.C. Elliott  RCAF  Dürnbach War Cemetery

Halifax JD321 KN-G 

03 Nov 1943

Ops: Dusseldorf

Shot down by a night-fighter (Hptm Manfred Meurer, 1./NJG1)

Crashed at Helvoirt

P/O R.J.Jones KIA

Sgt P.H.Potter KIA  Eindhoven General Cemetery

Sgt R.V.Woods KIA  Eindhoven General Cemetery

F/S R.Walton KIA

Sgt G.H.C.Wade KIA Eindhoven General Cemetery

Sgt W.Shaw KIA  Eindhoven General Cemetery

Sgt T.R.Oxley KIA  Eindhoven General Cemetery

W/O G.F. McKinnon RCAF  KIA  Groesbeek Canadian Cemetery


Halifax MKII  JD247 KN-H 

18 nov 1943

Ops: Mannheim

Crashed at Moy-de-l’Aisne

W/O A. Charlesworth Pilot   KIA    Moy-de-l’Aisne Communal Cemetery 

Sgt J. Harvey  escaped

Sgt F.B. Wise   KIA    Moy-de-l’Aisne Communal Cemetery

Sgt A.E.J. Moore   POW

Sgt N.R. Cufley escaped 

Sgt W. Bolton  POW  Camp 4B

Sgt J.A. Edwards  POW

Halifax DT730  KN-B

3 Dec 1943

Ops: Leipzig   

Crashed near Cloppenburg

P/ O Reginald Job Caseley   Pilot  KIA   Becklingen  War Cemetery

F/Sgt Robert Mead Hollingworth RAAF  Pilot  KIA  Becklingen  War Cemetery  

Sgt Frederick Ernest Ryder  Flight Engineer  KIA  Becklingen  War Cemetery     

F/Sgt Cecil Ritchie Boyd   Navigator  KIA  Becklingen  War Cemetery         

F/Sgt William John Henry Webb  Bomb Aimer  KIA  Becklingen  War Cemetery  

P/O James Miller   AG   KIA Becklingen  War Cemetery              

F/Sgt William Robert Farrell RCAF   AG   KIA   Becklingen  War Cemetery    

F/Sgt  K E Lees  AG   POW   Camp 4B


Halifax II  JD471  KN-A

21-22 January 1944

T/O: Elvington

Mission: Magdeburg

Crash: In flames at Zeitz

F/S  AKL Lyon  KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  CA Pinder  KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

F/S  D Renton   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  HW Williams   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  EW Gumm   POW Sgt  TG Berry   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt WJ Huntley   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery


Halifax II  LW233  KN-Z

21-22 January 1944

T/O: Elvington

Mission: Magdeburg

Shot down by a night fighter

F/O PJ Garlette   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt  GB Greenfield   POW

P/O  D Cooke   POW

Sgt  A Bellenger   POW

Sgt  LD Thomas   POW

Sgt  FT Lewis   POW

F/S  DF Tittley   POW


Halifax V LK730  KN-G

21-22 January 1944

T/O: Elvington

Mission: Magdeburg

F/O  KAM Foottit   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  R Charlton   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

F/S  AC Goodwin   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

F/O  J Hunter   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  AM Roberts   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  J Currie   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  AE Grant   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery


Halifax V LL190  KN-N

21-22 January 1944

T/O: Elvington

Mission: Magdeburg

Shot down by a night fighter

S/L  CJ Farmery  DFM    KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  G Ibbotson   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

F/O  J Lockhart   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

F/S  RRJ Simpson  RNZAF  POW

Sgt  TG Stammers   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

P/O  WHF Hagon DFC   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  BAB Graham    KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Halifax II HR 841  KN-T

28-29 January 1944

T/O Elvington

Mission: Berlin Collided with a night-fighter

Crashed onto a house.

F/S R McI Duncan  RCAF   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt  W Cannon   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/S  HH Streeting  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/S WC Thom  RCAF   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt  F Jarvis   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  GM  Jandron  RCAF   KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

F/S   KW Chalk   KIA  Runnymede Memorial


Halifax V LK709  KN-R

28-29 January 1944

T/O Elvington

Mission: Berlin

F/S  AB Walker  KIA   Runnymede Memorial

Sgt  TE Edwards  KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

F/S  NT Steele   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt  DW Jenkins  KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  K Bray  KIA   Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  LR Bright  KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery

Sgt  WF White  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Halifax HR946  KN-X 

20 jan 1944

Ops: Berlin

F/L V.H.Surplice DFC KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt L.Ashton KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt A.A.Timson KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt J.L.Duffy DFM POW Camp L1  

Sgt H.P.Hopkins KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt T.King DFM KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt K.Emeny KIA  Runnymede Memorial 

F/S B.H.Stevens RAAF KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Halifax LK729  KN-F  

28 Jan 1944

Ops Berlin

P/O J.O.R.Webster  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

P/O B.J.Kearley  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt G.C.Garner POW  Camps L67/357

F/S L.R.Lewis  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/S J.W.I.Robinson  KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt E.R.Prince KIA  Berlin 1939-1945 War cemetery

W/O R.de B.Morrison  RAAF 

Halifax LL143 KN-O 

19 Feb 1944

Ops: leipzig

Lost without trace

F/L H.A.L.Ellis DFC RAAF KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt J.N.Schofield KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt P.H.J.Mackie KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/O R.D.Sullivan KIA   Runnymede Memorial

Sgt H.F.Payne KIA  Runnymede Memorial

P/O C.W.G.Graham KIA   Runnymede Memorial

P/O D.Fletcher RAAF KIA Runnymede Memorial


Halifax III  MZ829  KN-X  

2-3 November 1944

Mission: Dusseldorf

T/O Full Sutton

Crash:  Tigelot Jalhay

F/O  REB Pike  RCAF  KIA  Hotton War Cemetery

Sgt  EJ Payne  KIA  Hotton War Cemetery

F/O  HF le Noury  RCAF   KIA  Hotton War Cemetery

F/S  VJ Lazier  RCAF   KIA  Hotton War Cemetery

F/S  G Judges  RCAF  KIA  Hotton War Cemetery

F/S  WW Lankin  RCAF  KIA  Hotton War Cemetery

F/S WH Hanes  RCAF  KIA  Hotton War Cemetery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGtBf8S8qWQ

JD 371 KN-O A. Brannigan R. Rodgers J.S. Silver A. Templeton P.R. Humphries A.W. Beard W.F Catley W. Palmer J.W. Baxter    Missions JD371 Crash site Témoignages Testimonies Heverlee Commemoration 2013 JD 368 ZA-A G. Warren Commemoration Palmer Pertes/losses 28/08/43 77 Squad. 28/08/43 Presse/Press Presse/Press 1 Comète Modave - Belgium

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