77 Squadron RAF: Mission: Nüremberg 27/28 Aug 1943

77 Squadron RAF: Mission: Nüremberg 27/28 Aug 1943

Same Crew with another Halifax:

Halifax MKII JD247 KN-H  77 Squadron RAF

Ops: Mannheim

18 nov 1943

Crash: at Moy-de-l’Aisne

W/O A. Charlesworth Pilot   KIA    Moy-de-l’Aisne Communal Cemetery

Sgt J. Harvey escaped

Sgt F.B. Wise   KIA    Moy-de-l’Aisne Communal Cemetery

Sgt A.E.J. Moore   POW

Sgt N.R. Cufley escaped

Sgt W. Bolton POW  Camp 4B

Sgt J.A. Edwards POW

L’Halifax DT730  KN-B:  with another crew  77Squadron RAF

Ops: Leipzig

Crash: near Cloppenburg

P/ O Reginald Job Caseley  Pilot  KIA   Becklingen  War Cemetery

F/Sgt Robert Mead Hollingworth RAAF Pilot  KIA  Becklingen  War Cemetery

Sgt Frederick Ernest Ryder Flight Engineer  KIA  Becklingen  War Cemetery

F/Sgt Cecil Ritchie Boyd  Navigator  KIA  Becklingen  War Cemetery

F/Sgt William John Henry Webb Bomb Aimer  KIA  Becklingen  War Cemetery

P/O James Miller   AG   KIA Becklingen  War Cemetery

F/Sgt William Robert Farrell RCAF   AG   KIA   Becklingen  War Cemetery

F/Sgt K E Lees  AG   POW Camp 4B

This crew with the Halifax JD460 KN-D  77 Squadron RAF

Ops: Monchengladbach

30.Aug 1943

F/O J.Goulding RNZAF  KIA the Rheinberg War Cemetery

Sgt R.Whyte POW  Camp 4B

F/O S.A.Ellingstad RCAF  POW  Camp L3

Sgt G.E.Flanagan  POW   Camp 4B

Sgt J.H.Naylor KIA the Rheinberg War Cemetery

Sgt L.Letts KIA the Rheinberg War Cemetery

Sgt R.Hunter KIA the Rheinberg War Cemetery

This crew with the Halifax MKII DT793 KN-E 77 Squadron RAF

6 sep 1943

Ops: München

P/O Reginald William Frederick Munns  Pilot   KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt William Cecil Smirk Flight Engineer  KIA Runnymede Memorial

P/O William Walter Smith Navigator KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Clifford Wyatt Tomlinson Bomb Aimer  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Richard Reginald Wilson AG  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/Sgt Eric Fedi RCAF  AG  KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Douglas Vernon Webb AG  KIA Runnymede Mémorial

The Halifax MK II JD413 KN-G  77 Squadron RAF with another crew

Ops: Berlin

Crash: at Datteln

01 sep 1943

F/L J.L.Wilson RAAF  Pilot KIA  Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

F/S R.W.Barlow  KIA Co-Pilot  Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

Sgt J.F.Hopkins POW  Flight Engineer  Camp 4B

F/S J.J.Leicester POW  Navigator  Camps 4B/L3

Sgt R.A.Sims Bomb Aimer  KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

Sgt E.J.Wilson Injured  died  Hotton War Cemetery

Sgt J.A.Baxter KIA   Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

P/O K.G.Sheward KIA Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

The crew with the Halifax LK729 KN-F   77 Squadron RAF

Ops: Berlin

28 Jan 1944

P/O J.O.R.Webster KIA  Runnymede Memorial

P/O B.J.Kearley KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt G.C.Garner POW Camps L67/357

F/S L.R.Lewis KIA  Runnymede Memorial

F/S J.W.I.Robinson KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt E.R.Prince KIA Berlin 1939-1945 War cemetery

W/O R.de B.Morrison RAAF

The Halifax JB851  KN-J   77 squadron RAF

Ops: Berlin

1 September 1943

P/O H.E.V.Gawler KIA Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery

Sgt D.H.Reid KIA   Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery

Sgt A.Cotterill KIA Berlin 1939- 1945 War Cemetery

F/S W.P.Homersham KIA Berlin 1939- 1945 War Cemetery

F/S S.C.Langston KIA  Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery

Sgt A.Burgess

Sgt P.W.Kitchen KIA  Berlin 1939- 1945  War Cemetery

Sgt T.Todd POW Camp 4B

The Halifax JB839 MK II KN-K 77 Squadron RAF with another crew.

Ops: Mannheim

6 sep 1943

Crash: at Oberhausen

P/O F E Mathers CGM  RAAF Pilot  KIA   Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt K A A Adams Co-Pilot  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt R Gough Flight Engineer  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

F/O W R Simpson Navigator  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

F/Sgt W Goldsbrough Air Bomber KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt E G O French  DFM Wireless Air Gunner  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt G A Muffett  Mid Upper Gunner  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

F/Sgt W F Speedie Rear Gunner  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

The same crew with another Halifax

Halifax LL143 KN-O   77 Squadron RAF

Ops: leipzig

19 Feb 1944

Lost without trace

F/L H.A.L.Ellis DFC RAAF KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt J.N.Schofield KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt P.H.J.Mackie KIA Runnymede Memorial

F/O R.D.Sullivan KIA  Runnymede Memorial

Sgt H.F.Payne KIA Runnymede Memorial

P/O C.W.G.Graham KIA  Runnymede Memorial

P/O D.Fletcher RAAF KIA Runnymede Mémorial

The Halifax JD123 MH-S with another crew in the other Squadron: 51 Squadron RAF

Ops: Frankfurt

20 Dec 1943

Crash: at Niederdorfelden

P/O H. H. Sherer DFM Pilot  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt J. Hendry Flight Engineer KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

P/O W. H. Craig Navigator  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt D.D. Dempser Bomb Aimer KIA Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt T.J. Jackson AG  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

F/Sgt L.W. Ball AG  KIA  Durnbach War Cemetery

Sgt J.H.J. Darvall AG Durnbach War Cemetery

The same crew with another Halifax :

Halifax JD321 KN-G 77 Squadron RAF

Ops: Dusseldorf

03 Nov 1943

Shot down by a night-fighter (Hptm Manfred Meurer, 1./NJG1

Crash at Helvoirt

P/O R.J.Jones KIA

Sgt P.H.Potter KIA Eindhoven General Cemetery

Sgt R.V.Woods KIA Eindhoven General Cemetery

F/S R.Walton KIA

Sgt G.H.C.Wade KIA Eindhoven General Cemetery

Sgt W.Shaw KIA Eindhoven General Cemetery

Sgt T.R.Oxley KIA Eindhoven General Cemetery

W/O G.F. McKinnon RCAF KIA  Groesbeek Canadian Cemetery

The same crew with another Halifax:

Halifax HR946 KN-X  77 Squadron RAF

Ops: Berlin

20 jan 1944

F/L V.H.Surplice DFC KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt L.Ashton KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt A.A.Timson KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt J.L.Duffy DFM POW Camp L1

Sgt H.P.Hopkins KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt T.King DFM KIA Runnymede Memorial

Sgt K.Emeny KIA Runnymede Memorial

F/S B.H.Stevens RAAF KIA Runnymede Mémorial

Halifax JD405 KN-Z  77 Squadron RAF  with the same crew:

Ops: München

7 sep 1943

Crash: at Kaufering

F/O L.B. Clifford RCAF Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt L.T. Johnson Dürnbach War Cemetery

P/O H.G. Northway RCAF Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt R.J. Partridge Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt G. Leedham Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt H. Basnett Dürnbach War Cemetery

Sgt D.C. Elliott RCAF  Dürnbach War Cemetery