Porcheresse – Wellington III X3712 VR-D 419 Squadron RAF

Porcheresse – Wellington III X3712 VR-D 419 Squadron RAF

Wellington III  X3712  VR-D   419 Squadron RAF

29-30 July 1942

Mission: Saarbrücken

Shot down by the nifhgt-fighter, Hptm Bietmann, 5/NJG1

Crash: At Porcheresse  (near Ciney)

WO1  N McH Moore RCAF  KIA  Gosselies Communal Cemetery

Sgt BE Coffey KIA  Gosselies Communal Cemetery

Sgt DA Macauley  RCAF  KIA  Gosselies Communal Cemetery

Sgt KJ Aronson  RCAF  KIA  Gosselies Communal Cemetery

Sgt WR Orndorff  escaped  with Comete